Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Biggest TV Cliffhangers… The Wait Is Almost Over

The trusty old Cliffhanger Episode is a bittersweet phenomenon for us TV fans. It typically thrills us ... then it makes us wait four or five months for the resulting episode (longer in certain cases this year since the writers' strike cut seasons painfully short). Some outcomes are worth the wait while others can be downright disappointing, but it is always certain to get us watching, eager to find out what really happened.

Here's a quick refresher on last season's most jaw-dropping cliffhangers. (Watch them all now)

How I Met Your Mother:
In some ways, this entire series is one enormous cliffhanger. We've been waiting (and waiting...) to find out who ends up marrying Ted and ultimately becomes the mother of his children. Last season he popped the question to his doctor love interest Stella. But will she say yes? And will they actually make it to the altar? And will his poor kids ever get to the end of the longest bedtime story ever told? (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

Things were finally looking up for Warrick. After being accused of killing Gedda, he was cleared and ready to start anew...until he was shot in cold blood by Undersheriff McKeen in his car. And for those of you hanging on to hope that he's still alive, let's just say that bullet through the neck at close-range doesn't bode well. (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

So "ER" fans, which character do you like better: Sam, the teen mom who turned her life around to become a nurse but ended up with a super troubled son...OR Pratt, the ladies-man doctor with a big heart who's had his own share of family troubles? If you love them both equally you're in trouble because one of them got into an ambulance that exploded. Luckily it happened in a hospital parking lot and both of them know lots of doctors. (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

Criminal Minds:
You know the "ER" cliffhanger you just read about three seconds ago? Well picture the same exact thing, except it's an SUV that exploded instead of an ambulance. And there are six potential victims -- the entire BAU team including Rossi -- instead of two. Oh, and they're all in different locations, none of which is a hospital parking lot. (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

Ugly Betty:
"Ugly Betty" ended last season with a love life that could rival that of a hot MODE model. Gio the hunky sandwich stud wanted to whisk her off to Italy. And nerdy numbers man Henry asked her to marry him and move to Arizona. So Betty, what's it going to be? Pasta with Gio or wedding cake with Henry? (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

CSI: Miami:
Horatio ended last season lying face down on the tarmac following a gunshot. The bullet went straight through those signature shades, BUT they weren't on his face at the time, so we're going to make an educated guess that this isn't a fatal injury. The question is: Will Wolfe get taken down by a hungry pack of lab techies eager for revenge? (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

The Office:
Jim was ready. Really he was. He bought the ring and even paid to have fireworks at Toby's goodbye party -- all in preparation for his big proposal to Pam. But just as he was about to pop the question, Andy proposed to Angela instead, prompting Jim to abort the mission. So will he reschedule? And will Andy find out that his new fiancée Angela spent the rest of the evening hooking up with DWIGHT? (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

Talk about a shake-up! Just moments after taking over as Director for the murdered Jenny Shepherd, Vance fired David, transferred McGee to the cyber-crimes unit, reassigned DiNozzo to a job at sea and gave Gibbs a whole new team. Is this really happening? And did Vance have anything to do with Shepherd's death? The mysterious looks, sketchy staff changes, and hurried paper-shredding sure do make us think so. (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

Mac made a big mistake when he trusted a bank robber. Somehow the criminal talked him into believing that his wife and daughter were being held hostage and he needed Mac's help rescuing them. Well, guess what? It was all a lie and when we last left Mac HE was being held hostage by the guy he was trying to help. You'd think after all these years working as a detective on the streets of New York Mac wouldn't be so gullible! (Watch Cliffhanger Moment)

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