Friday, January 25, 2008

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Webdoc 3

Got what it takes to be a Dark Jedi? Thanks to a trio of technological breakthroughs, the next big Star Wars game is truly a force to be reckoned with.

By now, anyone with even a cursory understanding of the Star Wars mythology knows that the nefarious Darth Vader is the proud papa of rebellious twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. We know that he was once a nice enough guy, but the fear of losing his love prompted him to commit unforgivable acts of treason and murder. We also know that, try as he might, Vader was unable to convert his baby boy into a willing accomplice. Luke simply wasn't interested in the Sith family business.

But what if Darth Vader was just trying to find a replacement? What if, in fact, he already had a Jedi helper bee? And what if his name was you?

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n the upcoming Star Wars video game The Force Unleashed, you'll take on the role of Darth Vader's secret apprentice. You'll study the ways of the Dark Side, wielding inconceivable amounts of destructive Force power as you aid your asthmatic master in his quest for redemption. And along the way, you'll witness the convergence of the most exciting new technology to grace video game software in years.

All this and more is revealed in the third official Force Unleashed webdoc, found exclusively on Yahoo! Video Games. Detailing how the team behind The Force Unleashed managed to combine three cutting-edge simulation technologies into one seamless experience, it delivers a compelling, behind-the-scenes look at the game's development.

Lucas Arts is keeping specific details about the plot tightly under wraps, but here's what we know so far. The game takes place in the roughly twenty-year interim between the end of Episode III and the start of Episode IV. Under the watchful eye of Emperor Palpatine and led by the iron hand of Darth Vader, the Empire has tightened its grip on the Republic and the few remaining Jedi have all but vanished. But unbeknownst to the Emperor, Vader isn't simply in it to bring order to the cosmos. He's got other plans.

That's where you come in. As Vader's undercover agent, you take on deadly, top-secret missions all across the famous galaxy far, far away. It's a tale of duplicity, as not even the Emperor knows about your actions, and at the moment, neither do we. More details about the game's intriguing story - as well as insight into what famous characters you might meet up with along the way - will hopefully be revealed in the coming months.

For now, we'll focus on the crux of this third-person action extravaganza: the gameplay, and the amazing technology that powers it.

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